Saturday, 21 March 2009

The Demand For Cleaner Fuel Is Destroying Habitats And The Animals Which Live There

In this blog I hope to explain why bio-fuel is destroying the plant rather than saving it and also to discuss whether or not we have an answer to global warming and the reduction of pollutants from vehicles.

To grow bio-fuels such as palm oil we have to find a sufficient space in which to grow it, however this is proving hard to come by as most of the accessible world has been urbanised, made into farm land or is protected wildlife sanctuary. So to find the space MEDC have gone to LEDC to find the area like Borneo and Brazil.

Although bio-fuels are cleaner than hydrocarbon based fuels like Petrol and Diesel, however, can we justify the destruction that occurs when clearing the space for the plantations?

Also as I said earlier do we have a solution to cleaner fuels, hydrogen is the most promising on the surface as compressed hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce water vapor, however water vapor is a potent greenhouse gas, so is our solution to one problem creating another?